Have you ever tasted your pet’s store-bought food? Apart from the strong smell, vibrant colours and funny shapes, did you dare to eat it? Your pets can eat leftover food from your plate, but can you eat from the pet food bag? What’s more, if you ask any professional, we will tell you that it is not suitable for human consumption.
This article aims to make you aware of some of the health problems that feeding your dog mainly industrialized pet food can potentially cause in your dogs and cats. On the other hand, I would like to emphasize the benefits of natural pet food.
Where does pet food come from?
Different companies that produce pet food have been accused of using unsuitable raw materials to prepare their products. There are great books that explain this in more detail, such ‘Feeding Dogs’ by Dr Conor Brandy.
On the other hand, this companies use much more fat than necessary and the amount of protein is generally speaking low. In fact, it should be the other way around, since meat-eating animals require more protein than fat.
The excess of fat in pet food is can be harmful, but necessary to make it tasty and generate in the animal a desire to eat. Therefore, overweight and obesity problems in pets do not take long to appear.
Pet food labels are not entirely clear and do not specify that they also include hormones, pesticides, heavy metals and other contaminants.
This information is the result of research done by Ann Martin whose results were published in her book Food Pets Die For – Shocking Facts About Pet Food (New Sage Press, Troutdale, Oregon).
Although, I haven’t seen any proof of some of these accusations myself, I believe it is important to keep this information in the back of our minds when it comes to choosing the best diet for our dogs and cats.
In the book Home Prepared Dog & Cat Diets: The Healthful Alternative, written by University of California Professor Emeritus Donald R. Strombeck, the message is clear and compelling: “pet food contains ingredients that people would not or cannot eat.”
Harmful effects of industrialized pet food
One of the main problems is the lack of government regulation in all countries. The pet food industry moves billions of dollars a year around the world.
In addition, additives include anti-caking agents, antimicrobials, antifungals, dyes, flavourings, dried material, emulsifiers, texturizes, lubricants, sweeteners, PH regulators, and the list goes on.
Ethoxyquin is an antioxidant. Veterinarians agree that it is the cause of many diseases, skin problems, and infertility in dogs. Although the use of this substance is regulated, this does not mean that it isn’t used.
Feeding our animals with pet food on a regular basis could lead to sudden or chronic diseases. I compare pet food with ready meals or take away food for us humans. If we eat this type of foods as our main diet, our immune system deteriorates and leaves us more prone to different diseases. The same applied to our animals. A compromised immune system can make animals sensitive to insects, bites, pollen, soaps, etc. Also, there can be damage to the different organs such the skin, intestines, kidneys, liver and hormonal health.
The pet food industry is not necessarily evil. Some pet food companies make helpful diets when used as a tool. I don’t recommend feeding our dogs and cats with pet food only, but I don’t see it as an enemy that needs to be eradicated from their diet for good. Information is power, and it can be used to our advantage when done correctly.
It is important to learn how to use pet food as a tool. It could be helpful when facing busy schedule challenges and holiday times. Also, some prescription diets can be combined with natural food to improve disease.
I will use the fast food example once again for a better understanding. If you eat fast food every day, you are not likely to maintain good health long term. However, if you eat healthy food most of the time, and sometimes you eat fast food, you are OK.
Natural pet food
As veterinarians who embrace natural and comprehensive pet nutrition, we believe that food is more than the sum of protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins. Pet food must be healthy and fresh; it must provide energy, hydration and be easily digestible for the animals. A pet diet based on natural foods is more economical and healthier in the long run because it will save us a lot of money on medical expenses for our pets. On the other hand, we know perfectly well what our pets eat, with no hidden ingredients or chemicals.
We are what we eat… This same principle applies to our pets, only if we don’t take care of what they eat, the consequences for their health can be lethal. I invite you to become aware of the importance of your pets’ nutrition, to be responsible for their growth and to provide them with an excellent health condition.
Source: Veterinarian’s Guide to Natural Remedies for Cats, Martin Zucker.
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